Maps for Mitcham!!!

Likes Dirt
Are there any maps of the DH tracks through Randalls and Andersons? If there aren't is anyone interested in developing some, possibly with the support of the council.

Seeing as it's now legal to ride these spots now I'm just wondering if it's worth building trail maps with trail ratings (black, red, blue, etc). Anyone know if anyone else is looking at this too?
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
Council arent going to encourage maps of these tracks. Theyre not legal yet either. Besides - if we get new tracks not many people will want to ride the old ones. I dare say the new ones will have maps and signs and even difficulty ratings maybe.

Likes Dirt
Yeah I found that out. :( I was under the incorrect impression we were now allowed to ride there and trails were being planned. Oh well, when the latter is completed we'll see what it looks like.