Local loops

No Judge

Likes Dirt
I've been doing a little bit of reading on some local Loops (ie, trails or loops that begin and finish at your house). As I don't live on a hill, this got me to create my own local loop, which as it stands is pretty tame. Gutters/steps, flights of stairs, small natural jumps, train station tunnel, etc. It usually takes me under 15 minutes to complete, which as it's quite flat can leave me puffed at the end.

I was wondering if anybody else has created a local loop of their own. If so, how did they go about making it, and do they have suggestions on how to make them better?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I suppose i have something similar when i head down town and ride down steps and stuff then head back home. I am not sure if i would call it a loop because i often will stay at the one set of stairs for a while then move to the next place.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
For me its 400m to the beach and back.
-Gradual hill to practice mono's
-High speed gutter hop
-Scenery upon arrival ;)
-Bit of excerise pumping back up the hill
-Couple of gutter hops


Likes Dirt
hey judge

where abouts in sunshine are you from? there would be some ok trails along korroroit creek. i dunno about now i havent lived there in years. back in primary school i used to have a little loop along the river and road. dunno what it would be like now.

No Judge

Likes Dirt
Interesting avitar....

I live near Jones Creek. There are a few natural jumps and berms along there. Then I cut up into Sunshine, through the station tunnel, down the steps at the back of the Market Place, etc etc.

Havn't been down along Kororoit Ck, but I might give it a shot one day. Im not exactly sure how far away that'll be though, and if there is anything down there.