King of the Hill Rnd 2 (More photos)


^Once punched Jeff Kennett. Don't pick an e-fight
Hey mate,

Could I have the Pic (s) of #12?

thanks - good work on gettin the pics up quick too!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Gday mate, sweet photos

You would have any of No.130 [red plate] wearing a white camo 661 jersey on a grey hardtail would you?

Cheers Andrew


Wheel size expert
Any pics of rider 52? Blue rocky mountain switch, body armour, black polo shirt and cream shorts. Dont care about the quality.

Cheers Patto


Likes Dirt
Hey, can i grab the #30 shot. If it's cool i'll ask the lads to chuck it on the chuck it on the Sinister site..



Likes Dirt
thanks bushy,

I was actually #86 though :p, everyone seemed to have missed me, must have been cos i was going way to fast :p
thanks for the ones of my mate.

cheers, kieran


Likes Dirt
Hey Bushy,
You should break bones more often, you take a good photo.

Can you get pic's for 71?

Thanks mate. See you for round 3!