Incident with a car - (how) should I report it


Likes Dirt
Just commuted into work, and on the way while I was riding along in the middle of a bike lane approaching an intersection and a van came around my left and swerved in front of me to get into the right hand turning lane which i was indicating i was turning into.

A very close call. A deliberate malicious act as the car was stationary at a pedestrian crossing 50 metres before.

Another car said they saw the whole thing and stopped gave me their number and agreed to be a witness and agreed the act must have been deliberate, and urged me to report the incident.

The van did not stop or apologise - in fact he told me I was in the wrong and I was "riding dangerously" as I should be in the left hand lane. I heavily verbally abused the guy.

It was a University of Melbourne van with number plate REN 013.

Now does anyone know what I should do about reporting this? Anyone have experiences about reporting incidents like this?


Junkie (not the adrenalin type either)
Tell the police, give them the details... Probably nothing will be done about it, but if a future incident occurs with with this guy and you or someone else, they cannot say they dont have a history of this kind of act... Probably also a good idea to let the university know about it, as they will be able to work out who was behind the wheel when this happened.... Its in their interests to act on it.


Likes Dirt
Man, you might've escaped unharmed, but the next guy might not be so lucky. Put a cap to this reckless driver, I'll try the Vicroads and coppers.


Eats Squid
By law I believe you need to turn right from the left hand lane. Anyone know the details? I ignore it because obeying that sort of idiotic law could get you killed.

Search the RTA website for a copy of NSW's bike road rules and check your position. If it does turn out you were technically in the right, make a complaint to the cops and his employer.


Likes Bikes
Report it and if the police are bored enough they will probably go and see the guy and say a complaint has been made and all that crap give him a warning may scare the guy enough to wake up to himself.

I reported a year ago a truck driving on the highway and a ladder fell off it nearly causing me to crash the cops reckon there was nothing they could do.
It just depends how much work the cop has.

Techno Destructo

Riding In Peace
I've been hit by cars on 3 separate occaisons (while I'm completely legal) and they've been in the wrong , had details recorded, submitted to police.

No results each time. I now ride with the pretense that the police will not help me out and I'm on my own.

Good luck, regardless... And take care out there.:(


Likes Bikes
It sucks yer but the coppers dont always care they often just dismiss it if no one was hurt. However, it is still worth reporting to them doesn't take long. Carlton cop shop is on Drummond st just off Elgin if your near Melbourne Uni. Better yer, ring up Melbourne Uni ask to speak to their transport department and tell the manager there what happend and give them the Van details. Tell them if something isn't done then you will go to the coppers to lay charges.

You might get a better bit of justice that way:cool:

Harder Nox

Likes Dirt
By law I believe you need to turn right from the left hand lane. Anyone know the details? I ignore it because obeying that sort of idiotic law could get you killed.

Search the RTA website for a copy of NSW's bike road rules and check your position. If it does turn out you were technically in the right, make a complaint to the cops and his employer.
Apparently, according to vic roads, cyclist are supposed to do hook turns at intersections rather than use the turning lane


Farkin Activist
I would phone the university and make a complaint, very civial and ask for the detail of who to follow it up with in written form.

I think what is on you side is that the car didn't belong to the driver, which really works in you favour. Using University property in an innappriopriate and dangerous manner will likely raise the ire of someone there in Admin. Keep a track of all the correspondence and if nothing is done about it, approach the student newspaper, those wannabe reporters love to dish out a bit of a kicking to the uni and with a witness would love your story.

As it's been mentioned, tell the coppers as well.


Likes Dirt
Apparently, according to vic roads, cyclist are supposed to do hook turns at intersections rather than use the turning lane
I'm not sure about that. This is from vicroads, part 4 of the rules

"35. Optional hook turn by a bicycle rider
(1) The rider of a bicycle turning right at an intersection without a hook turn only sign, or a no hook turn by bicycles sign, may turn right at the intersection by making a right turn under Division 2 or a hook turn under this rule."

Division 2 being the section on normal right hand turns. Although there was a bike lane, I dont believe the was a a hook turn only sign.

But then there is this rule from additional rules for cyclists:

"247. Riding in a bicycle lane on a road
(1) The rider of a bicycle riding on a length of road with a bicycle lane designed for bicycles travelling in the same direction as the rider must ride in the bicycle lane unless it is impracticable to do so."

This seems to be a bit fuzzy, There was a bike lane, but I should be allowed to turn right with a non hook turn.. but I guess it was not "impracticable" to not do a hook turn, just safer to do a normal turn (at least I thought so)...


Seeing that you were not hit, there is no accident happened, so unsure what Police could do anyway. Close call - but what are they really going to do about that? We all have close calls in traffic virtually every day, but thats not a chargeable offence, generally.

But definitely follow it up through the Uni.


Likes Dirt
Seeing as it's a work car the best thing to do is ring Melbourne uni and make a complaint.

I had the same thing happen to me with a work van (purposefully trying to run me off the road). I rang up the guy's boss and explained what had happened. Once I'd told him, he went: "I'm a cyclist and this really pisses me off. He will be dealt with". Worked out well in the end.


Likes Dirt
I had the same thing happen to me with a work van (purposefully trying to run me off the road). I rang up the guy's boss and explained what had happened. Once I'd told him, he went: "I'm a cyclist and this really pisses me off. He will be dealt with". Worked out well in the end.
Two thumbs up to your story, damn it must've felt good.

Grub nut, I wish you luck for the outcome of this incident.:eek:


Likes Bikes and Dirt
yeh,i have only ever heard from other people that no action was taken.i hate riding on roads,after seeing the stupidity on roads i keep off them,even if it takes longer to get to my just can't trust everyone on the roads.


look at me
yeh,i have only ever heard from other people that no action was taken.i hate riding on roads,after seeing the stupidity on roads i keep off them,even if it takes longer to get to my just can't trust everyone on the roads.
just keep your eyes open and your guard up. i am riding almost daily now but at least its not in the cbd areas of capital cities or even busy suburban areas. so i count myself lucky!


Not Grip, OK... So don't ask!
On the opposite side of the coin I was in Munibung rd at newcastle when a guy on a dark green jump bike of some kind went past me manualling down the hill towards a set of red lights .I thought "hope he's got good brakes" but no ,he went straight through the red light .But whats worse is he came out from behind a truck so the oncoming traffic who were turning across his path with a green arrow could not see him.He swerved around a van and continued on his way.
:mad: What a dickhead,way to go pissing motorists off like that ,good image building for cycling.....not.
BTW this happened tues 10-10 06 about 850 am so if you read this fella you are truly an idiot .
Sorry fellas back to topic,report the van to the uni for sure and to the uni press,good idea.Let them kick some butt.
cheers jon


Likes Dirt
Issues like this (after being reported to the police) should be delt to a lawyer. Legal Aid has a hotline you can call for advice on how to procede. Dont know what it is off the top of my head though.


Likes Bikes
In my opinion cars and pushbikes don't mix, that's all there is to it.

Cars/trucks/vans etc are weapons, weighing tonnes, driven by people with poor training/skills etc. Bikes don't flow at the same speed as cars either, causing dangerous problems at mergers and turnoff lanes.

Not everyone follows the rules either. I saw a bloke on 'speed' drink a whole bottle of whiskey and drive straight after with three people in the car during the middle of the day. My mates have done this stuff too, witnessed with my own eyes on many occassions.

Since they introduced bike lanes in ACT, I have seen 6 very near misses, a friend who works in the hospital emergency ward claims bike accidents involving cars has skyrocketed!

In my opinion to ride on the road shows an ignorance to the danger, and a blind faith in the driving public conforming to the rules... illogical when every day you see a car doing something stupid and people on their mobiles etc

Why risk your life, why breath in the carbon monoxide either, choose a bike path or footpath or trail... much nicer view, air and better exercise.

Isn't that why you ride anyway?


Likes Dirt
This subject is interesting to me as I am about to start commuting to work in Sydney. I want to do it as I have a 4 wheel drive and believe that I can't justify adding to the polution problem we face just to get to work.

I'm originally from London and used to cycle about 30km a day to work and back on pretty busy roads and soon learnt that you can ride fairly safely, but you have to think and act like a car. Take up a whole lane because if you don't, cars will try and squeeze by you. If they hit their horn, too bad - the road is there to share. There is no point taking issue with them.

Turning a corner - signal clearly and make sure others can see you. You wouldn't try and sneak out form the side in a car? (one thing I can't understand in Sydney is that when turning right and traffic turning right the opposite way is crossing your path, cars go nose to nose as they pass. In the UK we go behind the car coming the opposite way so we can see what is behind them. Here, your exit is obscured by the car crossing you? I've always found this dangerous.)

Anyway, the dilema I face now is that a road bike would make more sense to commute, but given the state of the roads and the fact that I can see the need for a durable bike that can handle the need to jump kerbs or things in an emergency I think an hardtail MTB maybe better.

Interested to get opinions of other commuters on this?

crabapple hitz

Likes Dirt
Heeza Geeza, I ride from Manly to the CBD everyday on a flat bar roadbike. It's got tougher wheels on it than a true roady and much better brakes.You can even get them with discs. My bike does fine on Sydney roads you just need good brakes.

As for the van driver report him to the Uni. I once saw a plumbers van driving like an absolute moron and abusing people, so I rang the number on the van and got through to the head office and told them about him.
They where furious about it.

if you own a company you don't want some dick in a company vehicle out there giving your company a bad name.
That's why Trucking companys have those "how's my driving?" stickers.