How did YOU overcome fear of larger jumps?


Likes Dirt
if the jump is fairly large or theres quite a big risk of eating it i will have three runs if i dont commit on the third attempt it means i probley shouldnt be doing it but i just put on a good tune on the ipod think of a good flow and just go for it.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I just really force myself to do it:D
I dont really think you can overcome fear, you just need to push yourself to do, its pretty much just comes down to how much guts you have.


Eats Squid
Like with the three run in rule, genenally if you turn up and feel dodgy about it straight away, don't try.
Being nervous is fine but if you're already thinking I can't do this then go away, build up more confince and come back another day.
If you can bring yourself to do it, don't force it.


Likes Dirt
really the best way is to roll in a few times get the feel for it then do it
but if your a huck like me, just hit it and hope like hell your gonna make it:rolleyes:


Yes. Wearing a full face gives me a lot more confidence when hitting bigger & newer things. Just the feeling that my face can't be smashed in, body armour is awesome too, i mean, with a full face + body armour + shinnies, what's the worst that can go wrong!? :p though that's on bigger things on a DH track, you'll probably get bagged shitless if you wear armour on DJ's. You should always wear a full face if you're not 100% sure you'll clear it easily though.

Have you ever done this, got close enough where you can't back out ... and slammed on the brakes? Where it was the worst possible thing to do and you know you shouldn't have done it, but you did anyway! Maybe it's just me :eek: I know i have anyway!
Yes, i have infact done that. In the last week! Okay, so you gotta understand the few jumps we have in this town are fairly shitouse. But anyway at the skatepark just down from my place, 10 minute ride at most, there is a set of dirt jumps.
Theres three in a row and you jump first turn right a tiny bit, hit second turn right a bit, hit third and your done. Right so i have plenty of experience, i can suicide 1 hander the last jump. it is a fairly simple set. Okay so i get my run up, and my chain skips a link about a meter from the upramp of first. I get a half a crank in and just barely make it over. then i look up and see second right there and panic. I didnt quite make the turn for second so i was heading for the sloped loose left hand side of the upramp, and because i panicked i hit the front brakes and the back aswell right. So my front wheel slides straight down and throws me into the air. I landed on my feet and was fine, and labelled it a "near miss". So as you can see, the worst thing i could of done was hit the front brakes. and i did.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Compare it to the smaller jumps you have already done, although don't judge it. More like observe it, whats the lip like, whats the gap, slope of the lander, etc...

Once you know its not that different than the last one you did, the possibility of you crashing is 1 in 10000000.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
For me it was all experience. I started small. Started with what i felt mentally comfortable with. You have to be ready in your head first i think otherwise you'll end up on the ground. Really believe in yourself and commit %100. Build up to jumps. Personally from experience i can look at gaps and compare them to similar jumps i've done and make an assesment that i'm comfortable with. I prefer to do warm up run ins to get my self pumped and make myself feel safe about it.

Know your bike. Know your self(mind). Know your limits(bit by bit expand them). Commit. Good luck.


Likes Dirt
look at the lip, look at the landing. roll up to it once. then i usually sit up there and consider what should be done if it does go bad. i say 'roll roll roll' rolling is your best friend in crashes, as far as im concerned.

so once you'ev had a practice run up to it you need to just get up there and hit it. 100%

if your second guessing yourself as your rolling up your not in a good headspace, abandon ship!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
the mind is a VERY powerful thing, never think of all the outcomes that could possibly happen, just visualise yourself making the jump, just picture it as if its not even your first time, works always for me

the more you think about what could go wrong, the more chance you have convincing yourself that you will get owned,

these days i tend not to look at the jump to detail so i know what will happen and when, i just take a glance from th front and pedal in, i will find out what the jumps like after i land.

if i crash i crash, its a part of progression, scars heal but if you let it get to you, your mind will tell you that the jump is un do able again and you will crash doing it again.

just thnk positive, and dont wear any different pads amour helmets than you would on any other normal jump, just keep the routine the same as every jump.