Hearing Aids for riding - anyone else out there.


Likes Dirt
I started wearing hearing aids about 4 yrs ago. I'm not that old but a combination of environmental (OK, rock concerts), genetics and a surfing accident wiping out left ear led to this.
My normal aids are $6k a pair and I've lost one riding so new ones don't get worn on the bike. i can get by with just the left one and had a quote for - Siemens Aquaris 3Mi at $1800 odd for one still a bit out there.
I've got to the stage where one need to wear one or just can't hear enough to converse on the trails. ATM means a lot of solo riding.

Anybody else on here use aids and any tips on what type at reasonable price. Feel free to PM me.


Knows his Brassica oleracea
no personal recommendations but you could try your nearest Costco if they have an audiologist. def cheaper than the usual.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
I've nothing to add other than I can't hear what other people say on the trail either, I resort to a nod and howyagoin.