Giant Anthem X 29er - See first post for info

crash bandicoot

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we recently sent the same fork with the same problem back to get fixed and they straightened the lowers and sent it back. according to the guys at sola they have this problem regularly with the anthem 29er forks.


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we recently sent the same fork with the same problem back to get fixed and they straightened the lowers and sent it back. according to the guys at sola they have this problem regularly with the anthem 29er forks.
How much were the lowers out of alignment?

I'm hoping they would simply replace the lowers since straightening it could effect the integrity of the fork.


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Is it just me, but they look really fragile around the top tube to seat post connection, and again at the pivot to seat post connection. Visually they look thin, and where you'd imagine the loads to transfer through, there doesn't seem to be enough meat .... :confused:


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Pivot to seatpost connection is actually quite chunky.
Top tube is quite shallow, but don't forget it is a formed tube that has width.
Also I guess the main forces in this tube are compression and tension, so we are probably looking at the weld area as the main feature - seems to be OK so far (after recall :))
We are also talking about quite a light dually…designed that way specifically.
I am happy with the bike so far…still goes better than me!


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Quick question. Going to sell my P-XC2 wheels that came with the Anthem (should have a long time ago) - anyway what sort of price are people getting for these?

I'd assume the market would be flooded with them, as its obviously one of the first things people upgrade :p Was going to build a muck around 29er with these wheels but i just dont have the time.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Quick question. Going to sell my P-XC2 wheels that came with the Anthem (should have a long time ago) - anyway what sort of price are people getting for these?

I'd assume the market would be flooded with them, as its obviously one of the first things people upgrade :p Was going to build a muck around 29er with these wheels but i just dont have the time.
Let me know what you want for them, I'm looking for some wheels for my Single Speed.


Likes Dirt
Quick question. Going to sell my P-XC2 wheels that came with the Anthem (should have a long time ago) - anyway what sort of price are people getting for these?

I'd assume the market would be flooded with them, as its obviously one of the first things people upgrade :p Was going to build a muck around 29er with these wheels but i just dont have the time.
I've seem a lot start on ebay for the 2-250 mark, no idea what the auctions have ended at tho.

Opposite Lock

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Couple of sets of the Giant 29er wheels on eBay right now.....There is a 2010 set of xtc wheels (including tyres) which are close to brand new.

Also another set of 2011 - wheels only no tyres. Both 15mm front.

Would be good for 29er project or traning wheels....pretty tough (if a bit heavy).

I've been checking for tubeless ready wheels for the last 2 months....No dice as yet. Second hand tubeless don't seem to be hitting the market.


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Why don't you just tubeless the pxc2's, their is a really good kit that you loose a decent amount of weight using and its super reliable. Im 140kgs and i have not had a problem yet, did 50km offroad yesteday at sub 30 psi and no probs at all


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Well this is curious.....first good look around at Rotorburn and what do I find...118 pages devoted to the bike I've just bought. Talk about bloody helpful.

After gunning around the local flat tracks and sandy trails along the Murray River for the last twelve months or so on a Learsport 26" thing that I've been lightening up and speeding up since. Dropped the cheap boat anchor forks, swapped the cranks for Hollowtech Deores with touring chainrings and narrowed up the tyres....and the results was pretty good. But far from nice - handling is squirrelly in the softer stuff and anything downhill is <well>....unsettling. But fast (ish).

Add opportunity, age and no excuse not to and I thought gee I'd like a good bike. Cheaper than a sports car if nothing else. How about a 29er? The old cyclocross steel bike a (quite) few years back was fun after all.

The XTC 2 looked the business.....nice price too. But the XTC 1 had much better toys. As for the Anthem X 29er...out of my league both price wise and performance wise as well as being rather garish in chrome and blue....but rather desirable nonetheless. NO it was the XTC 2 for me.

Approached the LBS a week or so back to be told....."sorry mate Giant don't have any more in the warehouse and I can't find another LBS with one to swap - last one I could get went to Tassie last week. And if I did get one...$1,900." So not much discount....or I could wait till August to pay full price for a 2012 version (even a shot at a carbon frame!). Crap.

Then I made a 'mistake'......"can you get me an Anthem 29er? If so how much"

"Think so. $2,500"

I checked that number with him three times over the next three days. Yep. Two and a half.

"Oh I've found one. You want it? Yes at that price"

".........why not."

Should front up in the next couple of days. And I'm really looking forward to it.

I reckon it may well be too good a bike for my tracks and skills at the moment. But surely one can travel and learn a few things.....broaden my horizons. Or give it a bloody good shot!!!

Look forward to sharing experiences, triumphs, mistakes and ideas. And learning...above all....learning.


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Add opportunity, age and no excuse not to
My dual sus 29er has the same tube angles as the Anthem and I think you'll be glad you bought it instead of the hard tail. Particularly if you have considered age in the decision process.

By all accounts it's a great, efficient pedaller and I'm sure it'll lift you to it's standards if at first you feel you do not meet it's.

I'd ride my dually on a dirt road over a rigid or hard tail. I'm that convinced now, after about 18 months.

I sometimes ride the better part of a full day on single and fire trails and the soft tissue aches from riding hard tails that long is completely gone. I'll be 42 in August.

Well done on a good choice. Keep us informed.


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That's the first time I've heard of someone getting a better deal than what I got. Nice work! Amazing actually - almost ridiculous :cool:


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That's the first time I've heard of someone getting a better deal than what I got. Nice work! Amazing actually - almost ridiculous :cool:
Careful......I haven't got it yet. And to get it for this sort of discount...I'll wager it hasn't been sitting idle in some shop somewhere.....that's cool too. Might knock some of the bling off!!


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Careful......I haven't got it yet. I have. :eek:

Shop dusted but otherwise in serious need of frame protection tape. Bugger me if these things haven't got some weird arse cable runs [yes I know this is old news but I'm a Preacher of The Obvious].

Sun, sand and stupidity await.


Likes Dirt I have. :eek:

Shop dusted but otherwise in serious need of frame protection tape. Bugger me if these things haven't got some weird arse cable runs [yes I know this is old news but I'm a Preacher of The Obvious].

Sun, sand and stupidity await.
For the fussy people - one word - Frameskin
Lovely fellow in Canberra makes the kits.
Very happy with my set on the Anthem.


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cant say enough about this product, saved mine from some serious chain stay gouging when i came off on a granite stone trail,