FOX F 32 Remote vs RLC


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Does anyone have experience with both the Fox F32 Remote and RLC forks? I'm upgrading from a 2005 RLC and can't decide on the remote vs the RLC. Its for hardtail XC racing. I get kinda annoyed having to reach down to lockout the RLC I have when climbing, but I think the new FIT RLC has some adjustment that might avoid the need to lock it out as frequently. Is this the case? What do you lose by going with the remote and is it a better solution?


Likes Dirt
Go the F32 RL FIT with remote lockout for sure. Brilliant fork! Thats what i run on my Merida 96 and I couldn't be happier with it. I had RLC's on my last bike and although they wre good, the low speed compression adjustment didn't make that much difference. You can definently live without it. And reaching for a lever on the fork can be a bit of a pain sometimes. The remote means that your hands never have to come off the bars!


Likes Dirt
Not a fan of the fox lock out system. The locking device is held into the top cap using tiny allen head bolt thta have little purchase on the flange and dirt builds up under the lock out as it is not sealed. Best go for the RLC w/o remote i think, how hard is it to move your hand and who wants to lock the front out anyway.