Evans laments 'dangerous attitude' on the roads


Likes Dirt
Yep, it's a very old, very sad state of affairs. I've seen very mild-mannered drivers get riled by cyclists on their road and I don't get it at all. If they're stuck behind a truck doing 40ks, no problem; a cyclist doing 40ks deserves to be run down. If they're going to buzz cylists I think they should make it fair and buzz telephone poles and passenger trains as well. I think the minimum licence disqualification for 'driving in a manner dangerous' is 12 months (with big fine) so it's about time a few dickheads got hauled over the coals. The cyclist road toll doubled last year, and with petrol headed towards $2 a litre there's going to be lot more on the roads. Maybe it's worth taking down number plates and reporting the bastards but as any commuter knows, that would be a full-time job!


Likes Dirt
And I sit here hoping petrol keeps going up, if only to serve poor drivers a bit poetic justice.


Alec McJo

Likes Bikes and Dirt
Couldn't be more true, I remember some guy with a boat on his car actually HIT me on my Hardtail once. It was only that I was able to turn away and get my bike back in control that I didn't end up under the fuckheads wheels.


Likes Dirt
I think that some motorists think that we have the best of both worlds - we can go on the footpath or the road, when they're stuck in a peak hour traffic jam we are whizzing up the inside doing 40. etc, etc..
SOME cyclists run red lights which pisses the drivers off even more because after they have waited for the green light, there is a cyclist holding them up by disobeying the road rules.

I am not defending them or anything, In fact i think that everyone should ride bikes, i just realise that that there are two sides to every story and i can see why they think abuse is justified (IT ACTUALLY ISNT!!).

Like Cadel said: "Yesterday out riding there were people driving just far too close, people not having judgement of the tray on the back of their ute."
My Mate nearly ended up in a wheel chair because of some bastard pushing the boundaries too far and being unaware and inconsiderate of cyclists. What's worse is that he didn't even try to help, he sped off at top speed.

Anyway thats my 2cents worth....



I was hit by a car a bit over 3 months ago and I'm still recovering from the injuries. The driver didn't have a clue about the rules surrounding bicycle lanes. In my opinion, the understanding has to start at the time that people get their drivers' licenses and I think that being able to hold on to a license indefinitely without ongoing testing (say... every 5 years?) is ridiculous when rules are constantly changing. There is no motivation for road users to ever update their knowledge (and attitude :rolleyes:).

I don't remember ANY cyclist-specific questions when I got my licence 14 years ago. Does anyone who's done their test more recently remember anything to do with cycling during the testing process?


Likes Dirt
Just a few moronic comments on the news.com.au article about bikes outselling cars....

"We are getting to that stage where they seriously need to think about banning cyclists. We are hearing more and more stories of these hoons on bikes causing problems on our roads and footpaths, and now we want to build even more roads for them. What a joke! The millions they're about to waste on this crap would be better spent on our shoddy health system and education. What's next? One bike per student to go with their laptop!"
Great, more nuisance cyclists to mow down on Beach Road in Melbourne. We build them cycle ways and what do they do. Ride 3 abreast along a major road. What we really need is a plough that attaches to the front of our cars to brush these pest aside as we drive to work in the morning.
Until they start paying to use the roads like other road users (at a reduced registration rate of course) and have identification plates on their bikes then just like pedestrians they shouldn't be on the road.
They should have to pay Compulsory Third Party Insurance so that when they hit pedestrians and cars (which happens all of the time) and the road rules should be enforced by police - particulalry the ones for driving too slow and for not staying in lanes. Cyclists are a menace and if we have to put up with them then they should be made to pay pay pay.
Wonders never cease that people still think like these dolts.



Cyclists are always being a pain in the arse.

Constantly riding 2-3 wide when it is totally inappropriate, unnecessary, and unsafe to do so. I'm always yelling at them when I go past to move over, single file, whatever the situation entails.

Baffles me, some of these guys act like they are invincible, and really piss people off in the process, including riders! I'm shitting myself when I ride on the road.

There is poor form on both sides, people don't realise how severe the consequences of hitting someone really are.
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