Drop In Season 2 announced...


Sponsors of the Drop In TV series Pinkbike.com have announced the new crew who will be packed into the bus to bring us all our weekly dose of half-hour freeride television.
Riders for this season will be:
Shawn Denny - The dreadlocked trials guru from season 1.

Dylan Tremblay - Another season 1 carryover with some crazy street skills.

Tyler "Super T" Klassen - RaceFace UFC and Redbull Rampage winner, crazy big hucker and one all round super-talented freerider, all new for season 2.

Chris Glew - Another new face for season 2, you might have seen him in the North Shore Extreme video series, you'll definately see him in Kranked 5, check this pic of him in action
clicky clicky
Speaking of Kranked 5, it's slated for an April 12 release in the states and there's a new teaser up over at Radical Films

Steve Romaniuk - Don't know much about this guy, but if you've seen NWD3 and Grant Allen having just about the worst MTB crash I've ever seen, this pic shows Romaniuk hitting that same drop and apparently landing it
clicky clicky

What else can I say, a quality line up for sure and it's great to see the first season did well enough to justify another one. Now all we need to do is have Channel 10 pick the series up in Australia...


Staff member
I've actually been considering buying series 1 on dvd. I've watched all the online episodes. There's some quality and inspiring riding there. Will look forward to season two...

May even hit them up about getting some review copies.