David Blucher injured badly at Stromlo

bear the bear

Is a real bear
But it would seem to suggest he was on the trail - as opposed to being off it and getting cleaned up by a rider going off piste?
Yup, by the sounds of it, there may be two conflicting versions of events so the police are looking for independent corroboration of the accident..
There is also any civil action that may come as well..

Scotty T

Walks the walk
Wow, would be a dick move if the rider claimed he was on the trail if he wasnt...
I wonder if there are some photos on his camera of the rider approaching? I have not been able to find out any more details other than my mate said David was being treated a fair way down the track from where his camera gear was. I can't imagine someone who has taken 150,000 photos of MTB'ers just being on the trail when somebody was coming down it.

Here's an update from David on how he is going:

Hello everyone this is omnibus update in the broad to give you an idea of how I’m going. I’m yet to get to individual messages, and having no ability to type myself I’m reliant on my media guy, Finn to get the message out, that I am in good spirits and being looked after superbly in Prince of Wales hospital in Randwick.

I have a daily regime of exercise in the gym and occupational Nurse Specialists. This regime together with the passage of time has seen a remarkable improvement in leg, arm, hand, and foot for mobility and the physio team are ever vigilant to know when I have reached a certain limit, following which they add more weight! It’s tough love but we all realise essential if I am to walk out of here.

A quick word on the daily routine, the first part of the day is taken up by swallowing pills the usual bathing process and breakfast. Any personal embarrassment at bodily functions, peculiarities or shortcomings (to quote David Niven at the Oscar’s) has quickly become the subject of robust, if ribald discussion with hospital staff. Being “precious“ is best left at the hospital door because it only lasts a week or two in an hospital environment. The remaining daily routine is all about being out of bed and going to appointments with the physio and other specialists. My blood pressure is a source of some concern although it’s responding to excersise and medication. The nightly routine is one of “constant” sleep interrupting rolling to change body position to avoid bed sores, and pill taking.

I had a present during last week in the form of an electric wheel chair which I control with a hand toggle. It has Mercedes emblems on the wheels so I’m feeling comfortably at home, unlike hospital staff who have to dodge as I thunder down passage ways.

I need to talk a little bit more about support and a new found awareness of what Facebook friends has meant in terms of the GoFundMe campaign which Mic Longhurst setup unbeknownst to me in the early days after my accident. To quote Tom Finnegan the level and magnitude of messages, support and contributions has been spirits warming. Once I have the ability to type I will respond to all who sent messages and who made GoFundMe contributions who’s names are apparent - some contributors where anonymous. When I’m feeling up to visitors I’ll let people know in a similar message to this.

So if it is not evident I am in good spirits, good hands, and well adjusted mentally to the path ahead and send my best wishes to all for their support in whatever form since the accident.