DaBomb hubs


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Gday all,

well, my Axiom hub has destroyed iteslf this week for some reason, though I have only had the bike for a year and two months, so the hub should be fine, but what happened is the ratchets for the engaging mechanism have worn so very quickly, therefore it does not engage anymore. I'm taking the bike down on Monday to where I bought it, and hope they say I can get it under warranty or something, but I doubt it.


I'm asking for people who have had experience with DaBomb hubs to review theirs for me, because I now need a new hub and have no where near enough money for a Hadley or DT Swiss, and DaBomb is cheap but good quality (I'm hoping?)

Also, the rims are Mag 30s so it should be a strong wheelset yeah?

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What type of budget do you have for a new hub? Also i dont know about ba bome but some hubs the freewheels are interchangable, might be worth looking into. Another Q: have yo pulled the freewheel apart? Is there much grease or grime like sand in there?


Likes Dirt
What type of budget do you have for a new hub? Also i dont know about ba bome but some hubs the freewheels are interchangable, might be worth looking into. Another Q: have yo pulled the freewheel apart? Is there much grease or grime like sand in there?

My budget is as low as possible but still want quality because I have very little money at the moment because I owe my folks for random stuff.

Yeah I have pulled the freewheel apart and there is nothing but grease. My hub actually did this last holidays so I pulled it apart and regreased it myself and it worked up to now, and my LBS regreased it today and had a look and it is completely worn.


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I had the same issue with my DaBomb hub, the pawls started slipping and eventually worn themselves down as well as the ratchet teeth inside the hub body. I have a sneaking suspicion that the pawl spring design isn't strong enough to get a positive engagement as the parts wear out causing it to wear out even faster as it slips.

Anyways, having said all that I now run a different rear wheel :p

EDIT: fixed incorrect references
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Oh sorry I forgot to say. This is for my downhill bike, which I do everything on, even cross country. The size is 12x150mm with a through axle.

As I've said, I'll go down to my other LBS where I bought it, and see what they say, if not, new hub it is.

So bipyjamas, you would or wounldn't recommend a DaBomb hub? My hub that destroyed itself was an Axiom hub, not DaBomb. I would get a DT Swiss 440 or something quality like that, but my money is very very low at the moment.
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Likes Bikes and Dirt
ive had front and rear da bomb hubs now for about 6 months and so far they havnt skipped a beat. i do everything on them to (4x, dh, xc, fr) and they seem to have taken it quite well. :)


Likes Dirt
So bipyjamas, you would or wounldn't recommend a DaBomb hub? My hub that destroyed itself was an Axiom hub, not DaBomb.
Oops, sorry. I somehow misread your post thinking you had a DaBomb hub. Quality wise I think the rear DaBomb Headspin is pretty good, but I've had less than stellar success with them in the year that I had it.

Hopefully someone else who has run them for a year or more could provide a more positive experience.

Maybe look into a Hope Pro 2 as another not prohibitively expensive, yet quality option:
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