Closed Trails at Stromlo this Sat?


Likes Dirt
Does anyone know if any trails are closed this Sat due to maintenence, etc?

I am assuming much of the DH track will be closed, but more interested in the other trails. I checked on the CORC site that there is a working bee on the Sunday.

Me and a few mates are coming down from Sydney for a weekend of riding.

Thanks in advance.

Rohan Hammond

Likes Bikes

Hey mate,

I far as i am aware that it should be open it will be closed most likley on Sunday as they are doing some work on it as part of a working bee.
I will be riding Saturday afternoon with some mates so fingers crossed it is open.

Bucket Master

Canberra Off-Road Cyclists
I am not aware of any of the trails at Stromlo being closed on the weeked (a part from event specific trails - including the new start of the DH).

The berm track has had some work on it over the week but should be open.

The working bee on Sunday will not result in any tracks being closed. Working areas will be signposted we would ask the you slow down, say hello and even lend 20 minutes of your riding time