cars and bikes .

Jim Junkie

Used to sell drugs, now he just takes them
A good read highlighting why cycling shouldn't be seen as a menace, more a part of the solution. I doubt it will do much to change the opinions of the die-hard cyclist haters who tend to make all the noise though.

An interesting aside though; talks with women I know who don't ride much in Australia indicate that a large part of the stated problem for them is the perception of the cycling culture on the bikeways, which is the 'lycra loon' type. They are put off by the idea that all people who ride to get around are lycra bound men on road bikes riding at 40km/h, rather than just cruising around on a bog standard bike. In my experience (being a daily commuter), this isn't actually the reality and the roadies are more the minority on my route. Maybe it would be good to push this idea a little more, especially since the Lycra Loons/MAMIL stereotype is what seems to draw the most ire.


Likes Dirt

The article is about a year old but is still a good read .When i first saw the headline and the pic of that Top Gear tosser i assumed more hate for cyclist but was pleasantly suprised and overall its really supportive of bikes and riders and how it can work.