Can't get wheels back on...


Likes Dirt
Hey fellas,

Today when I was cleaning my bike, I took my wheels off. While they were off, my mate pulled my brake lever, and my brakes being hydraulic breaks, means that the break pads are clamped together. I've tried plying them apart with a screwdriver, yet they seem to keep going back together. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I can't wait to get rolling again! Thanks in advance,



Likes Bikes and Dirt
This way is a little dodgey as you have to be very careful not to destroy your pads!

Get a flat head screwdriver and get it in between the pads, Use a small one first so you don't dig into the pads. Now once the screwdriver is partly in, squeeze the lever hard, then when you let go of the lever, put force on the pad/piston to push it back in. Keep squeezing the lever on and off while getting the screwdriver further in and the pistons further in the caliper. Then once the rotors fits, just keep pumping the lever with the wheel in and they should go back to normal after awhile.

Get creative, theres probably alot better way to push the pistons in without destroying pads, but just squeeze the lever, then when you let go (quickly) push the pistons in at the same time....


Likes Dirt
sometimes you wont have much of a choice other than to bleed the brakes... depends on what kinda condition they're in. some times those suckers just wont go back in otherwise

also, when you're trying to pry the pistons appart, do not remove the pads to do it... the number of times ive seen people crack and split their pistons though doing so
better to damage your pads than the pistons... alot cheaper to replace/repair


Likes Dirt
I had this problem when i first had hydrolics i didnt actully know what had done wrong but i just started off by putting little objects in there and i put bigger ones in as i went along if all else fails you will have to get them bled. Good luck with it all.


Likes Dirt
Bled the brakes myself (fuck paying for someone to do a little job like that) and got them in. Thanks for the help fellas, really appreciate it.