Broken Hayes 9 Lever


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Hi all,

Had my bike propped up against a tree whilst I was fiddling around with it, a turn away and a gust of wind blew it over and unfortunately my brake lever took the brunt of the fall and now looks like this...

Taking a closer look, it looks like it's missing a bit that holds the "ball" on the lever into the "socket" inside the unit.

Do I need to replace the entire brake unit? Or can I just replace the lever?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
My mates popped out after he broke his collar bone doing a jump.
We just popped it back in (use force)
Easy :)

Unless its missing something :(


Likes Dirt
My mate has El camino's, not sure if they are the same.
But his just popped back in and we wound in the lever reach
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There is a socket that it pops into. That may need replacing depending if anything is missing.
I don't know a lot about it but a friend of mine's came out and there is a clip that keeps it in i think? It needed a new one of those.


Likes Dirt
the part your missing is a small circlip (think thats how its spelt) that sits behind the ball part and stops it from popping out all the time, i've attached a dodgy paint edit to show you what I mean


i had a set of these, when i found out the price of parts compaired to getting a new set i nearly fell over. just got a new set


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I had the same problem on my old bike.
I couldn't find anything on farkin, about it but when i googled i found this page;
I found that very useful. Also if you have any rides planned, and can't get it fixed in time,try putting a zip tie from the handlebar to the leaver to stop it going out of place. Get it fixed ASAP though. good luck :D


Likes Bikes and Dirt
or a rubber band

so it comes back instantly when you take your fingers off the brakes :D

mate has done it with his codes


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rubber bands and zip ties work but if you cant ind an actual hayes 9 circlip try a motorbike store or something like that, circlips are used all the time you should be able to find one that fits even if it isn't a hayes brand



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with some old bikes you can get just the circlips but thats for the pre 1960's british bikes :p you can try and ask really nicely or if that doesnt work drop to the floor and crack a massive tantrum


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I used to have one of those, but the wheels fell off.


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Thanks for the replies fellas, looks like it might be an easy fix - guess a trip down to the lbs will tell.

I was actually considering using a rubber band to hold it in place cos this happened just as I was going to load the bike onto the car but figured I better not risk it failing on me at the wrong moment.