Balance bike Cairns

Hey Guys,

My family has just moved to Cairns and I will be joining them soon. I have a 4 year old that loves riding a balance bike. I found smaller pump tracks, and short green trails, really good for her. We where riding at the pump track and green trails at the black stump car park out at Kalamunda track near Perth if any one is familiar with them. Is there any trails in Cairns, hopefully close to Mount Sheridan, that I can take her to?

When I get home I'll be taking her out riding as soon as I can.

Best Regards



Likes Dirt
Smithfield MTB park, off McGregor Rd Smithfield - just past JCU - that's the place to go. Not really close to Mt Sheridan, but only 20 minutes or so by car.
There are other pump tracks/local BMX tracks in other areas. Cairns Regional Council can tell your locals...I don't know what's down there.
The Esplanade will be great for sat/Sunday arvo family cruise. Muddys playground and the pirate ship for play time and 5kms of boardwalk...
Keep an eye on the cairns mtb Facebook/web site. We host about 6 junior/newbie days per year...youngest we have had is 3yrs old. We also have one of the largest BMX clubs in Australia...might be an option as she gets older - I think they start about 5yrs old. Vince at edge cycles can talk to you all about BMX. That track is behind the show grounds and probably not much more than 5minutes from your place. PM me if you get stuck.
Welcome to Cairns!!!


he he he, you live up to your name :)

Try the walking path to Josephine Falls, nice swim afterwards.

The Cairns promenade is flat...

The Babinda Boulders are a bit rough without 280mm travel, but good for a swim.

Bramston beach is also nice! Lot's of pippies in the sand if you like eating those things.

Balance bike fun is everywhere!

I'm jealous, loved living in cairns for a bit!
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Thanks for that guys. Looking forward to getting home and finding these places. The girls aren't doing much riding while Dad is away so I'll have to start encouraging it again.
