AM on road gaps?


Likes Bikes
Hey guys,

quick question....will an AM bike handle a road gap jump?

The bike in question is a 2011 Specialized Pitch Pro.



Likes Dirt
Honestly it really depends on the road gap in question... Road gaps vary greatly in size and landing area...

If its a very flat landing and a big drop don't do it... (flat landings aren't good for any bike)

At the end of the day it should be perfectly fine though... As long as you have a reasonably smooth landing area and you don't come really short on the landing it should be completely fine... Just keep it smooth...


Wheel size expert
Im not going to say yes just incase it snaps haha.

It will greatly depend on the size of the gap and landing.
However all we need to do is look at the gaps and drops proffesional riders are hitting now days on short travel/hardtail bikes. Although skill is a big factor their bikes handle these things with no issues. As mentioned how we land a jump or drop is going to have a big affect on frame force. If we land smooth the force on the frame is reduced, the issues come when we land flat, over clear or come up short on a jump/drop.

maybe have a look for some videos on the net of riders on the same bike doing gaps,jumps, riding to see what other people on them are doing with the bike.
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Likes Bikes
the gap has a downward slope on the other side, so it's not a flat landing. there are only 1 or 2 mega dodgy videos on youtube of the gap from 2005ish. it's a fairly standard firetrail width...couple of metres at most.

i have jumped it before, about 6-7 years ago on a fairly average bike...was a mates spare, had only 4" travel front and rear, and i survived it.

but yeah, more concerned about whether the frame would/should be able to handle it.

thanks guys


Wheel size expert
the gap has a downward slope on the other side, so it's not a flat landing. there are only 1 or 2 mega dodgy videos on youtube of the gap from 2005ish. it's a fairly standard firetrail width...couple of metres at most.

i have jumped it before, about 6-7 years ago on a fairly average bike...was a mates spare, had only 4" travel front and rear, and i survived it.

but yeah, more concerned about whether the frame would/should be able to handle it.

thanks guys
Specialized are a well known, well established name with excellent design and reputation. Personally I would be very confident in them. You can never say yes or no if a frame will snap or not, there are too many variables that come into play and then some people are just unlucky to pick up a dud frame. Bike design has come some way in the last 6-7years.
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Likes Dirt
I believe Fabian Barel rode an AMbike at the 2009 champs. They just slackened the head tube and fiddled around with spacers so that he could run a 160mm fork.

So find him at Stromlo on YouTube and that should give you something to think about.


Likes Bikes
holy crap balls!!

the road gap i'm looking at is no where near that high!!! but hell, if it can do that, then it can do my little one :)


Likes Dirt
no helmet ........that pisses me off to no end...anytime i see anyone on a trail with no helmet makes me angry to the point i have to say something
......if these guys crash and injure themselves an need professional help also invites investigation from local council and the law which can shut
down trails....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! no helmet go home
ps sorry for getting off the subject it just that we fight for trails and to risk it for "i forgot my helmet "doesnt cut it
end rant
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Likes Bikes
the specialised pitch pro should easily be able to handle to road gap, i personally have a 2009 specialised bighit and my mate has a specialized 2010 enduro expert and we have been hitting decent road gaps for a while, with a few stacks and havent has any problems. but yeah as was mentioned before flat landings are not good but otherwise you should be fine.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
no helmet ........that pisses me off to no end...anytime i see anyone on a trail with no helmet makes me angry to the point i have to say something
......if these guys crash and injure themselves an need professional help also invites investigation from local council and the law which can shut
down trails....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! no helmet go home
ps sorry for getting off the subject it just that we fight for trails and to risk it for "i forgot my helmet "doesnt cut it
end rant
Don't worry, that picture was almost certainly taken in America. Only in america are people 'liberalised' enough to hit big drops with no helmets.


Intense Australia
Don't worry, that picture was almost certainly taken in America. Only in america are people 'liberalised' enough to hit big drops with no helmets.
Liberalized or Lobotomized? Either way, its stupid to do anything on a bike without a helmet. Death to all morons.


Likes Bikes
Surely whether you break your bike, or not, is going to be determined by how you ride this gap and how good the transition is. No one has ever been hurt or broken anything from the flying through the air bit. ;)
You could pretty much jump any bike off anything if the transition is right (within reason but you get the idea).