Almost Famous


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John and the boys at Cyclingo finally got around to posting a few photos of the 1995 or 1996 Tasmanian State DH Championships on their blog, which included this lovely photo of a young guy called Sid – some of you may have heard of him.

This got me thinking there must be a few other people around here with stunning photos of our elite level riders before they were famous.

A pimply Cadel, or a spotty Sam perhaps?

Anyway I hope everyone enjoys this old shot of a former junior State DH champion in flight.



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...As in the high end Rock Shox XC Fork?

gee the bike for DH have changed dramatically in the last 15 years

Lanky Love

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Its not a photo, but apparently my brother beat cadel in some xc or dh race when he was young (now has a family). But i would imagine this was before cadel was race internationaly:rolleyes: