10th Nov Cabarlah ride 5.30am


Likes Bikes and Dirt
im pretty keen actually. haven't been riding with you guys in yonks. i'll confirm closer to saturday.


Likes Dirt
I'll have a look too. Actually after last weekend off the bike I really need to work off the cheesecake and beer. A bit of heat never stopped anyone from racing did it?


Likes Dirt
i would like to try on my xc legs again count me in at this stage, although if this weather persist im out


Likes Dirt
where abouts
Generally we meet outside the Cabarlah pub which is on the main drag through Cabarlah (New England Highway), about 30 minutes North of Toowoomba.

I should be there, weather permitting but it's not looking too promising at this stage...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I'm pretty sure i'm out, got family favours to repay from when my house was built.

I'd go to Cabarlah after the rain that we have had, the soil is heaps different out there. It's sandy & drains fairly well.