101 Things we hate about MTB

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Likes Dirt
96) "Captain" crashes - going down with the bike - when you first get clipless pedals

97) Early morning rides after "a few quiet beers" the night before


Yeah, yeah... blah, blah.
99) Knowing that the very next words to come out your mouth are most likely going to be "Fark, that hurt"

Oh and Mason, mate... that is one scary mother of an avatar!


Jonny Sprockets Bike Shop
100) Rear Deraileur hanger alignment (A GOOD FINAL NOTE)
101) Cable stretch
102) Chain wear
103) Chain suck
104) Loose headsets
105) Warped rotors
106) Anodised anything!


Likes Dirt
109) people who say "come on just do it".
"why dont you do it ya frinken hardcore"
"coz i;m shit"
"yeah well shut the fuk up and stop telling people what to do and u cant even do the smallest jump here"


Likes Dirt
110) bastards that booby trap trails
111) people in the street that over react when they notice that a bike is coming slightly in their direction, you ride past and they scream and jump into a telephone booth like a meteor the size of the moon is about to hit the earth and destroy all life forms
112) posers


Eats Squid
chandler_mate said:
110) bastards that booby trap trails
111) people in the street that over react when they notice that a bike is coming slightly in their direction, you ride past and they scream and jump into a telephone booth like a meteor the size of the moon is about to hit the earth and destroy all life forms112) posers
i hate that. soooo much :twisted:

113)People who have a steriotypicical image of mtb'rs
114)not having enough money to ix things


Likes Dirt
117) Crashes.
118) Paying for crash damage.
119) People who laugh at you when u tell them your dream is to be a pro-mountainbiker.
120)knee/shin pads cramming behind your knee.
121) creaky cranks/headset.
122) scratching the fuck outta ya pride n joy just doing what its meant for.
123) drops to flat
124) people who wash out and cry.
125) Pro's who you idolise who when you meet them just ignore you.
126) the MotorX dad whos been there b4 and done it all b4. Live you own life u fuck.
127) dweeby dads who never wanna come watch their kid.
128) the ability to huck yourself off a cliff, launch over a gap and balence on a tiny plank but yet still be terrorfied to ride on slippery rocks.
129) people on shitty bikes who pass judgement on your $11K+ rig.
130) people who laugh at your for saving for years to buy a pushbike.
131) using a mtbwesite as an anger vent.
132) NS bridges breaking under you
133) building bridges.
134) losing the dustcaps for your innertubes. no biggy just sucks.


Likes Dirt
136) PRO's who bag out people that they beleive are not up to their standards, then whinge about too much pedaling. (go and buy a moto!!!!) :shock: :twisted:

137)slow tight BORING single tracks 40km/h and under


139) People who equate being able to throw a bunch of limbs off in the air with being a good jumper.
140) People who whinge about the quality of local races / racecourses but never turn up to build or offer to help with the organisation.


Likes Dirt
accidentally slaging infront of you instead of sideways and getting all the slag in your face.
sorry :lol: couldnt resist.
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