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  1. S

    Things you like do at Christmas

    Nothing much for me really, pretty much: - Wake up and open presents - big lunch with good food/relatives - see the girlfriend for a bit - play with presents more Haha. Very eventful...
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    The Photo Snob Thread

    Theres the Nikon D5000, looks pretty good. Also I think the 450D single lens kit is around $1100.
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    The Photo Snob Thread

    Any idea on how i can make this better? I dont have a flashes yet :( And just another random shot while im posting...
  4. S


    Beautiful bike Tristan! I spy a Canon box holding the bike up... Im guessing this is taken with the 7D?
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    The Photo Snob Thread

    Awesome justification Tristan, i cant wait to see some pictures!
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    giant ATX

    Wow, Murph. The spec list isnt even that ghetto anymore! Good work :p
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    The Photo Snob Thread

    Yeah there was a building behind me, i guess if i took the photo from the other side the background wouldn't be as distracting but it might not be as bright either. Somthing i will have to remember next time.
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    The Photo Snob Thread

    Thankyou. And no more flowers! Im sorry Tristan. Thanks, i did it for a "friend" ;)
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    The Photo Snob Thread

    Just some of my latest experiments. Any advice/crit would be awesome... i need it.
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    Delete please.

    No longer for sale, may be up again in the future though. Sorry guys.
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    Photo A Day V 17-11-09

    Really good PAD :)
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    Oh gawd... Absolute sex!
  13. S

    Little Things You Love

    +1, great song!
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    Pad 15/11/09

    +1 for getting rid of the smoking one. Other than that, great pad! Landscape and food is nice :)
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    Padv 14.11.09

    Great shots, the free choice one almost has a film feel to it!
  16. S

    Flat bars on DJ bikes, why!?

    Probably just personal preference, i have seen a few bikes like that too. Somtimes it looks alright i guess but i prefer high-rise bars. Although, im a trend-whore so im probably a bit biased.
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    Awesome! You should post more pics!
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    Pad V 13/11/09

    Awesome pad, im loving both of the beach ones :)
  19. S

    Pad 5 111109

    Nice shots! Loving 1,2 & 3.