Recent content by pommiebiker

  1. pommiebiker

    when oil runs out...Who cares what the CEO of GM thinks? Rhyno's on the job!!

    everyone is riding bikes, and there's a special lane for those pushing their beloved car :)
  2. pommiebiker

    Dubya rides a trek ...

    "Bush, an avid mountain biker, received two pairs of cycling shoes valued at $677 from Trek Nike Cycling Division in addition to the bicycle from John Burke, president of Trek Bicycle Corp" smh article so along with everything else, he even gets free gear. what a git :D
  3. pommiebiker

    More Carnage, ouch

    :eek: :D :D :D
  4. pommiebiker

    Cracked Mavic 729

    I hate to say it, but man it sucks to be you .. :D another trip to the lbs for us one lunchtime then ;)
  5. pommiebiker

    Basic Instinct 2

    you have got to be joking, right ? Mind you, I wouldn't kick shazza out of bed in the morning :D
  6. pommiebiker

    Trails in / around Camden area

    no takers ? doesn't have to be your secret spot, I'm just trying to get a mate hooked .... PM me if you like, I'd just like somewhere to hit a trail when I'm out there.
  7. pommiebiker

    STAB SUPREME (World Cup Edition Frame)

    what he said. :D nice rig mate, very jealous :eek:
  8. pommiebiker

    Trails in / around Camden area

    I'm visiting a friend over the easter weekend who lives in Camden, and he's interested in going for a ride. I don't have any knowledge of that area but as he's a newbie (and borrowing my old HT) I found I'd ask the XC'ers of farkin if they can recommend any good trails, single track or...
  9. pommiebiker

    Favourite DVD

    Earthed 3 for pre ride psych up (I copied down all the sounds used as well to make a cd for the car :D) Fundamentals - made me a much better rider The other Earthed DVDs rock too. Looking forward to Roam from the The Collective.
  10. pommiebiker

    manly dam maintenance days

    Its back open now. I rode on friday morning. Its boardwalk at the beginning where it was really eroded with a couple of poles. Not as technical, but more flowing and quick. The latter half has been tidied a little with one drop 'smoothed out' :(
  11. pommiebiker

    My new wheels ...

    hah. it has plenty of room for bikes, but only seats for 2 ppl including the driver.
  12. pommiebiker

    Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony

    heh. I have very delicate hair. requires a careful very precisely formulated combination of shampoo & conditioners :p Or maybe thats my chick ;)
  13. pommiebiker

    Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony

    missed it, I was washing my hair :D:D:D
  14. pommiebiker

    My new wheels ...

    not to bad to park in coogee, expect at the weekends when the hordes arrive. Its a 4.2 turbo diesel, aftermarket turbo. Me and the missus are heading off round australia later in the year, kakadu, kimberley, uluru etc. 6 months off work, then back to the UK. Not sure about that last bit ;)