What did you do TO / WITH / FOR your bike today!


taking a shit with my boobs out
Morning was brisk with a bit of fog and some light passing drizzle. Probably primo conditions as dust (even up the road) was minimal....annnd had the place to myself. The Forestry SA people were cool to speak to aswell, a stark contrast to HVP here in Vic.
Nice !

Kiss the rest of the rain goodbye, I knew it would disappear as we got closer :oops:



his flabber is totally gastered
Set a mantrap to keep these cheeky bloody Victorians away.

Success. Got one.

Then cunningly directed the poor sap towards Flinders Medical Centre for 'treatment', forgetting to mention that it is SA's primary soylent green factory.

If I hadn't had my empathy gland removed, I'd probably feel sorry for him, as he seemed like a nice guy.

RIP @Mattyp


Likes Bikes and Dirt
We got out around 7 am for a ride before work today. Over to Knocklofty, down to the the South Hobart Linear Track, up Old Farm Road to Fish Fingers. Then up the Golden Gully Fire Road to the Main Fire Road to the New Town Connector back to Pottery Road and home. We are trying to work out a few more rides we can do in 60-90 minutes as the sunrise come later and too dark after work to ride. This one fits into that along with a few others. Beautiful morning as well.


chats d'élevage
I’m guessing Tune hubs @Ackland?
Yeah "old" spec Prince and Princess hubs that I acquired ~5yrs ago as NOS.
100g F and 196g R

When you’re full weight-weenie but “too enduro” for a carbon stem. (Still trying to find that perfect front-end setup on the gravel bike, trying an 85mm stem this time)
I found that the cutouts on the steerer interface provide "challenges" on a carbon steerer
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