Whats a training routine for Eduro racing?

I would like to get into racing enduro competitively, im rather fit yet im not sure what i should be focussing on! if someone could tell me their regime or sugest some it would be much appreciated!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
start with how much time you have to train - hours per week 8-10 is good.

look at your weaknesses, so where to improve?

get a good understanding of what the event fitness and skills requirements are.

no matter what - you need to be able to pedal, so time spend pedaling is good, pedal on road is most efficient use of time and will build endurance.

off road you focus on specific skills and address weaknesses such as climbing, economy on bike.

off road is good for intensity - i.e. intervals.

so start by mapping out week, pick your ride routes and time you have and off you go. no substitute for time in saddle, just have a purpose to every ride.

keep if fun, keep variety. rest is training as well.

don't forget to find a mini version of target event to map your progress.