lilydale rabbit hill 13/11/04 meet there at 12:00


Likes Dirt
well you see me and my friends were going to go riding today but it ends up that none of the could make it!!
so heres the thing if i can get just one other person to go ridin i dont have to go to the movies with my dad today plzzzzzzzzz help out a fellow rider.
yer so people come down to rabbit ill be there at 12:00. I will be riding a blue GT aggresor 2.0 or somthing (coz my liquid snaped) we can go all around lilydale Rabbit, Greeny, BMX track, whatever is good for me. i different meeting time can be arranged.

Thanks Nick :D


Likes Dirt
hmm... bit of a grave dig but...

They're in lilydale, behind the lilydale lake. If you have a look at that victrails site, they have a melways reference and some pics in there. Although IMO there not really worth going to anymore.
