It's official, Mommers is officially crowned..


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I dont know if this is the correct forum or not, but anyway.

I would like you all to congratulate Mommers with me, for his achievment of officially being a weight weenie.

Well done brother!


Likes Dirt
well yeah my spec list isnt quite "weight weenie" type...yet!, but its getting there, ive ordered easton shite (got the bars) getting seatpost, getting lighter XT drivtrain, San Marco ODS Race gel saddle, ummmm Hutchinson Pythons Airlight.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
i have for sale an easton MG60 stem that weighs nothing, its magnesium, wheightless!
you interested?
PM me.


logged out
*looks at squid*
*looks in the mirror*
weight weenie eh... you're only young, you've got a long way to go.