how to build good table tops


Likes Dirt
i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to make a good table top that esnt weak and it stays togther any advice would be great.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
well welcome to farkin. you could use compact dirt or cement. i know of a place called hill'ndale with 3 concreate tables in a row. but just use compact dirt


Likes Bikes and Dirt
you could build a frame on the sides to hold dirt in and save dirt at the same time, but if you make a table top get a bobcat ifs its a decent sized one;)


Likes Dirt
My method is to use layers. Start with a smallish frame or foundation if you will, of rocks and wood etc. then cover it in a thick layer of dirt. Give it a test once you think it is ready then if it is too small and another layer of dirt or even a layer of small rocks. Repeat until a good size.