Hayes/Manitou 200mm/203mm to 220mm PM adaptor.


taking a shit with my boobs out
Item: As above
Price range/Willing to Pay: ???
Extra Info: On the off chance that someone has one of these. I'll continue to run a 203mm as I can find one without stupid postage.

I need a 42 or a 43 as I don't care about adding a washer under or skimming a bees dick of alu off to make it fit.

The Manitou Dorado is a 203mm PM fork.


s-l1600 (1).jpg


understands stuff moorey doesn't
Even better, I have a +17mm North Shore billet adapter that I don’t need any longer. That should be perfect for 220mm rotors on the Dorado. Want that?


taking a shit with my boobs out
Even better, I have a +17mm North Shore billet adapter that I don’t need any longer. That should be perfect for 220mm rotors on the Dorado. Want that?
Certainly, pm me and we'll get this going :cool: