Farkin gear


Wheel size expert
I saw some folks running around with Farkin gear at the Ipswich race. Gimme! Ummm... yeah do you guys have stickers and stuff? If so, where can i get some?


Farkin apparel is in the prototype stage, only sponsored riders and spectators at the moment :)


Wheel size expert
I swear I won't make your gear look bad :) he he... I never thought about that - getting paid or sponsored to NOT wear someone's product. Nah, I'm just after a sticker to stop my car looking like it belongs to some pensioner.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I know we keep saying it, but honest, there will be gear available sometime soonish :D


Yeah, give us a break guys :) The sites only 4 months old and things like this take time when the whole crew only works on it part time. It's in the works though don't worry about that, I'm planning to have a proto-Farkin hoodie knocked out in the next week, so I'll post pics when it's done.


Wheel size expert
A Farkin hoody would be hell sweet. I understand the hassles involved in producing merchandise so I'm not trying to hurry anyone.