QLD Castle Hill


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hello, whats the go with digging new tracks at castle hill? iv started to do some maintenance on an old track. Also whats the go with taking cars to the top? iv been told its ok but i don't want to upset anyone. I should be up there saturday afternoon.


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From what I understand, building trails are fine on certain areas of the hill. As far as cars go, I think the guys that are shuttling, have permission from the owner of the hill. Well certain sections anyway. I think there are more than 1 owner of the hill area. Trail maintenance is always encouraged. Espesh as we're pretty lucky to be able to use the area to ride.

After this rain, espesh as the hill drains awesomely, it's nice and sticky...


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i love the rain. didn't manage to get up there this saturday and i wont be up this weekend either but the week and the weekend after il try to finish my new track


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Bit of a nOOb question here sorry guys...but has anyone done up some trail maps (even hand drawn ones) of the area? ...ive done a bit of seaching, but havnt come up with anything. May be just a case of exploring to find all the tracks yeah?



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I did a map a few years ago but after all the dozing and rebuilding up there its next to useless.castle has several owners and not all of them want us up there.my advice to
anyone thinking of building is to ressurect a forgotten trail rather than building from new.
do not alter anything on trails that are already being looked after .


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Are you guys talking about castle hill in the middle of Townsville? if so far out you could make a cool track... it would be a really cool redbull rampage type track with big chutes and fast sandy straights not those massive jumps though cuz that is just death.

I havn't been to Townsville in ages.


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Are you guys talking about castle hill in the middle of Townsville? if so far out you could make a cool track... it would be a really cool redbull rampage type track with big chutes and fast sandy straights not those massive jumps though cuz that is just death.

I havn't been to Townsville in ages.
nope other castle hill, ipswich. its in an awesome shape btw fellas soo smooth :D
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