Big Bear Bits n Pieces


The coverage from the first NORBA NCS DH round at Big Bear Lake is starting to roll in.
This thread at has some great photos plus a bit of a recap on practice, including the dirt on one seriously scary sounding crash by a female rider. The Stikman is reporting that April Lawyer had a freak crash in practice, breaking her collarbone and sidelining her for a while.

Pro Mountain Cross qualifying is over, with Mick Hannah grabbing second place in the mens, Brian Lopes taking the top position and Eric Carter in third.
Tai-Lee Muxlow took out third place in women's qualifying, behind Tara Llanes and Jill Kitner.

Also kicking about is the news that NORBA have won a concession from the UCI, granting UCI points to all top 10 finishers in NORBA events. I couldn't track down the official press release but Transcend have a good summary of the deal, for everyone to check out.