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  1. B

    TMBC Maintenance- Post Storm Clean Up

    Sunday the 3rd of Feb maintance? Any chance of doing some repair work on the Sunday as well? I can't make this Saturday? Unless you are all going by the afternoon I won't be able to make it. :Cry:
  2. B

    TMBC Jersey Design Comp!!!

    Great Jerseys Great Jerseys! Regards Bernard
  3. B

    Club Open Day/ Demo Day and DX 22nd of April

    Demo booking? One of the flyers says you need to book to have a ride on one of the new bikes. Where do you go to do this or aren't they really doing this? I went to iride's website but could not see anything. Regards Bernard Geebel
  4. B

    Jubilee Wednesdays 5.00pm

    yep Been hanging out all week for it. Got batteries this time so I'm good to go.
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    Jubilee Wednesdays 5.00pm

    Leaving @16:00 I'm leaving Bridge @16:00 to do Jub's.
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    Jubilee Wednesdays 5.00pm

    I'll be there. I'll be going for a ride at 17:00 this wed if anyone is up for it, pending my bike gets out of the shop soon enough and I remember to get some new batteries for my lights because the last set some how short circuited in the bag.
  7. B

    3pm ride today Jub extension

    I'm going to head in from Bridge st quarry. A loop or two of the roler cat and then up the extension (turkey track). However I don't know how muddy it's going to be so? I'm hoping sunshine and wind will dry things out enough for today and tomorrow.
  8. B

    TMBC Trail Building Day Next Sunday 11-9-11 12pm

    sweet I'll come I was hoping some more work was going to happen this weekend. I may be a little late so I will just rock up at some point. Regards Bernard Geebel
  9. B

    New XC Trail Name?

    I like Turkey I like Turkey nest best. However when I first started working on it I found a hive of European bees in a tree. TurkeyBees Nest? Turkey Bee. Bees Nest. Turkey Run. . . Turkey climb.
  10. B

    Rollecrcat Extension (XC)

    Not sure if I can make it I may turn up at about 2pm I'm not sure so don't wait up.
  11. B

    Rollecrcat Extension (XC)

    I'll join ya Hi Pete Count me in. I have been dying to do some work on it. Where do you want to meet? Amos at 3pm sounds good. Regards Bernard Geebel
  12. B

    Showgrounds - this Saturday. Help desperately needed

    Sat 1pm I can be there at about 14:30. Looking forward to it. Great to hear Jub's is open! Best thing I have heard in a while. Regards Bernard
  13. B

    Downhill Maintainence - 29th May

    I can make the afternoon Can't make the morning but I may be able to come and help out with the XC track at the show grounds that afternoon if you all are going over there.
  14. B

    Next XC Extension Track Build Day

    Can that I have exams I should study for. Next week.
  15. B

    Next XC Extension Track Build Day

    Again this Sat Hi all. Again this saturday I should be heading down to the new xc with Boltz. Not sure what time yet.
  16. B

    Frenzy maintenance

    I'll come Hi Zach. I'll see you tomorow. Top or bottom?
  17. B

    Next XC Extension Track Build Day

    New XC Track Work Hi People I'm going to be working on the new XC track in Jubilee this weekend. If anyone's interested you can reply by Saturday noon. I will be working on it Saturday after lunch most likely; for a few hours (body permitting). Of course if it rains it won't be possible but...
  18. B

    Next XC Extension Track Build Day

    No worries No worries. I don't mind working by myself too much. Where is the 4x track? I might come over and match name to face.
  19. B

    Next XC Extension Track Build Day

    See ya Anyone wants to join me tomorrow I will be at the bottom from about 8am. I lashed out and got me some earth moving equipment! All shiny and new.
  20. B

    Next XC Extension Track Build Day

    Let's go this Saturday Let's go this Saturday and get more of the track done. It's going to be an awesome track once done!