Recent content by fitzy_87

  1. F

    New bike giving me sore nut

    Mate, Ive had a bit of tis recently and found that it was actually hip flexor impingement causing pain on my nut, groin and sometimes back. A physio should sort you out.
  2. F

    Volunteers needed for Wild West Series Races

    Schoey, I can lend a hand the day before with the bunting. I assume a few people will be needed. Fitzy
  3. F

    XC Sub-Committee Meeting

    Perry, I would come along but I am going to be out of town as usual. I'll try and make the next one Jack
  4. F

    AvantiPlus -6 Hour ENDURO - 1st July 2012 & 29July 2012

    I would've been keen but am going to be overseas