Lunar eclipse now


One potato, two potato, click

Bit of a spud photo. The kids were still awake, so we took them to the Eureka Centre to watch the eclipse.

Dales Cannon

lightbrain about 4pm
Staff member
Hmmm. Pretty overcast and generally shit for pornography up here. Took 179 shots though. Could have left the lens cap on for most. Anyway here are a couple that made it through processing from nef to jpg.
Teaser of what the sky was like for 93.047% of the time. The rest is was cloudy.

There were odd gaps in the clouds before the eclipse. Typically.

Odd bits stuck through the cloudage.

This is through light cloud which thankfully was fairly even so exposure was just ish ok.

as above.

No stand out shots but the clouds made it a bit eerie I guess.